Tutoring Options
The Mandarin Reading Club does not offer tutoring ourselves but we do have options for students looking for tutoring or teachers providing tutoring.
Tutoring for Our Subscribers
While the Mandarin Reading Club was designed to be used independently, we understand that having a tutor to guide students along is a huge plus to learning. For this reason, we provide our subscribers, who have their own tutors or teachers, the ability to use their own tutors to teach using our platform. We also provide tutors with a complimentary subscription for this purpose. Please contact us for more details.
For our subscribers who do not have access to tutoring on their own, we can provide a list of tutors who are able to teach using our platform. If you are a subscriber and are in need of tutor suggestions, please contact us.
Teachers Providing Tutoring
If you are a teacher or tutor interested in using our platform for teaching your students and/or wish to offer your tutoring services for our subscribers, please contact us.